5 Tips for The Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us!  A typical theme for this time of year is eating until you feel like your going to pop.  I mean it is hard not to with all the beautiful cookies, decadent pies and tasty chocolates being passed around. Unfortunately for your oral health, the holiday season can really take its toll. Here are a few tips and tricks you can do to help prevent teeth problems and still enjoy moms homemade cheesecake!
1.) Sticky candies are lethal to your teeth!  Try to limit the amount of sticky candies such as caramels, gummies and especially the Bit-O-Honey candies.  These sticky candies can pull out fillings, crowns and cause the sugar to stick to your teeth.  Basically just be careful, you don’t want to be scrambling to find a dentist on Christmas!
2.) Limit the amount of acidic things that you eat or drink.  Holiday cocktails, juices and cranberry sauces all contain high acid content.  The acid can actually wear away your enamel on your teeth, which acts as the protective barrier for your teeth.  Enamel erosion can cause your teeth to be really sensitive and cavities have a better chance of forming.  Preventing enamel erosion is easy; using fluoride toothpaste, drinking more water during the day and keeping a normal brushing schedule.
3.) Be sure to floss! After you eat a big meal to try to get as much debris out of your teeth as possible.  Flossing stimulates your gums and removes plaque that can build up and cause gum disease or tooth decay.
4.) It never hurts to brush twice a day.  While brushing, a good trick is to try to brush your tongue as well as your teeth and gums.  Doing this will get rid of nasty bacteria, as well as, keep your mouth smelling fresh!
5.) Drinking more milk this holiday season is a very good way to help you prevent tooth decay. Dairy products such as cheeses and egg nog can be beneficial in creating a coating on your teeth that fights against the acid content of foods.
Following these simple tips can help you develop good habits and prevent any mishaps during the holiday season.   Don’t let a dental problem ruin your enjoyment!  Indulging in food this season is a must!