Periodontal Disease: The Silent Assassin

Across the globe there is a silent disease that is affecting more than 80% of adults in the United States. Many people will not even notice any symptoms of periodontal disease before it is too late. Periodontal disease can affect many areas of the body including your heart.

Periodontal disease is defined by the ADA as, “An infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Because periodontal (gum) disease is usually painless, however, you may not know you have it”.

It is possible to detect periodontal disease before you see your dentist.
A few signs that you may have it are as follows:
  1. Red, swollen, puffy gums that bleed when brushing.
  2. Gums that seem to be pulling away from your teeth.
  3. Bad breath that seems to not go away.
  4. Teeth that seem to be mobile.
  5. Pus between gums and teeth.
Preventing Periodontal Disease!
Periodontal Disease can be reversed or prevented entirely using these tricks!
  1. Brushing your teeth twice a day
    This reduces the amount of bacteria on and around your teeth and gums.  Reducing the  bacteria can drastically increase your chances of preventing gum disease.
  2. Flossing between your teeth!
    Since we were young kids every person has stressed the importance of flossing your teeth.  Flossing is a simple yet effective way to remove harmful bacteria.  Try a 20 day  flossing challenge and floss once a day just to see the results for yourself!
  3. Visiting your dentist regularly
    Having a normal 6 month recall with your dentist can significantly reduce your chances  of periodontal disease.  Only the doctor or registered dental hygienist can recognize periodontal disease effectively and the longer you wait to have it taken care of the more at risk you become!
  4. Try to limit smoking cigarettes or quit completely
    Smoking cigarettes is considered to contribute to vasoconstriction.  Vasoconstriction  is  the narrowing of blood vessels, thus resulting in reduced blood flow.  Our gums are tissue which contain blood vessels.  Each cigarette contributes to reduced blood flow in our gums and is the major cause of periodontal disease.  Cigarettes also cause the mouth to become really dry, eliminating the healthy enzymes that help our teeth stay healthy.
All it takes is good home care as well as making sure that you see your dentist regularly.  Our teeth are as much a part of our bodies as any other organ or bone.  Preventing periodontal disease will increase your overall health and save you money in the long run!


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