Dental Insurance for Dummies

Many people are often confused by the language placed in insurance pamphlets and booklets. Most people seem to think that dental insurance is there to cover 100% of any service provided by your dentist.  This is in fact FALSE.  “The amount your plan pays is determined by the agreement negotiated by your employer with the insurer” (ADA)

I myself have been dealing with dental insurance companies for 3 years now.  I can tell you from direct experience that NO INSURANCE COMPANY PAYS 100%.  Insurance companies like to use tricky language to deceive the average policy holder. A simple tip to remember is that even though your insurance may not cover what is expected, you have had a service performed.
  1. In network: A dentist who agrees to be “in network” with an insurance company agrees to accept a certain set of fees that are determined by the insurance company. Typically, your insurance company will give you a list of “preferred providers” or in network dentists in your area.  An example of a claim that may be filed is usually for a cleaning and exam.  The fee for a cleaning and exam in this situation is $100.  A dentist who is in network will accept the insurance payment of $90 and write off the remaining $10.  This will leave no balance to the patient.
  2. Out of Network:  90% of the time you will notice that the dental insurance you have may not be “in network” with the doctor that you have been seeing.  I’d like to say that for many people this is the beginning of the insurance battle that they may face.  If you take the same example of $100 for a dental cleaning & exam, the insurance company paid $90.  The remaining $10, would be YOUR balance.  The doctor has not signed a contract to participate with the insurance company and thus will leave you a balance. While a company may be out of network they can still process your claims and your out-of-pocket may be the only difference.
    1.  A very deceiving trick that insurance companies tend to use is to say that your breakdown is 100% for a cleaning and an exam.  THIS IS NOT TRUE!  They will pay 100% of their fee schedule.  A fee schedule is the total amount that an out of network insurance company is willing to pay.  In many cases they will pay 100% of the allowable( fee schedule) which may be the $90.
  3. Annual Maximums: Most dental insurance companies have an annual dollar amount to which they will pay.  They will not pay a single cent over this amount!!! Even thought the cost of many dental procedures has risen, the dental max for many plans have stayed the same.  Talk to your HR rep or insurance agent to find out what plans are available to you.
  4. Plan Limitations: While in a perfect world it would be nice to have a plan that pays for 6 cleanings a year and covers 100% for crowns……However, we do not live in a perfect world.  Each plan has certain stipulations that limit the amount of cleanings each of us can have per year.  This applies to almost every service your dentist provides for you.  Consult your insurance company for specific plan provisions BEFORE your treatment is provided in order to avoid a problem with declined coverage.  Most offices will send a  pre-treatment     (PTE) estimate for you in order for an exact estimate of benefits
Lastly, it is important to not get upset at your doctor for problems with YOUR insurance.Insurance is not between the doctor and you , it is between you and the insurance company. Placing blame on your doctor or his staff causes the relationship between you and them to be strained. Please learn your plan before getting upset with your office.  Many times it is near to impossible for an impromptu estimate to be perfect because every plan is different!  If you are unsure of your plan please contact the insurance company or make sure to have your office get your benefit before services are provided.

From Film to Digital: A Bittersweet Story

Nicholas Romano
The downfall of Kodak is a sad story of a company that for many years was a keystone business in Rochester, NY.   From inventing the Brownie camera to creating motion picture film, the George Eastman dream is all but bittersweet.
As a Rochester native I have sat and wondered where Kodak went wrong.  How did this company with over 20,000 employees worldwide cease to exist.  Was it the transition from film to digital?   The increase in overseas operations?  The love for film seemed all but lost.  The consumers made film obsolete with the increased affection and efficiency of the digital age.
In 1908 dentistry was changed forever with the introduction of  radiography or x-rays. Leading the charge for the creation of x-ray film was Kodak.  Dentists across the globe were able to diagnose cavities efficiently and effectively with this new technology. The now archaic process of developing an x-ray is a lost art form.  Nothing compares to being able to develop your own x-rays.  My experience of trying to adjust to the darkness, open the small 1×1 film, dispose of the lead filament, the smell of developer and fixer, and the anticipation of seeing the film after development.  Each x-ray held some sort of personal pride for a job well done.  It told the story of Kodak, dentistry and how it got there all in one little film.
It was only a matter of time before film in dentistry became cumbersome, expensive and outdated. Digital x-ray technology has no film, no art form and no pride.  Digital technology took over, with less x-ray exposure, smaller sensors and a cost efficient way to take x-rays.  It far surpassed the regular x-ray film on all levels.  The sharp picture, focus and ability to transmit them via email made digital x-rays the future of dentistry.  Ridgecrest Dental has adopted the digital x-ray and would not go back to the long lost x-ray film days.
I for one will always remember what Kodak did for this country, but more importantly Rochester, NY.  We all  forget that it was not so long ago that film was the future.  I dedicate this post to the thousands affected by the Kodak decline.  Our office wishes you the best of luck.

Periodontal Disease: The Silent Assassin

Across the globe there is a silent disease that is affecting more than 80% of adults in the United States. Many people will not even notice any symptoms of periodontal disease before it is too late. Periodontal disease can affect many areas of the body including your heart.

Periodontal disease is defined by the ADA as, “An infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Because periodontal (gum) disease is usually painless, however, you may not know you have it”.

It is possible to detect periodontal disease before you see your dentist.
A few signs that you may have it are as follows:
  1. Red, swollen, puffy gums that bleed when brushing.
  2. Gums that seem to be pulling away from your teeth.
  3. Bad breath that seems to not go away.
  4. Teeth that seem to be mobile.
  5. Pus between gums and teeth.
Preventing Periodontal Disease!
Periodontal Disease can be reversed or prevented entirely using these tricks!
  1. Brushing your teeth twice a day
    This reduces the amount of bacteria on and around your teeth and gums.  Reducing the  bacteria can drastically increase your chances of preventing gum disease.
  2. Flossing between your teeth!
    Since we were young kids every person has stressed the importance of flossing your teeth.  Flossing is a simple yet effective way to remove harmful bacteria.  Try a 20 day  flossing challenge and floss once a day just to see the results for yourself!
  3. Visiting your dentist regularly
    Having a normal 6 month recall with your dentist can significantly reduce your chances  of periodontal disease.  Only the doctor or registered dental hygienist can recognize periodontal disease effectively and the longer you wait to have it taken care of the more at risk you become!
  4. Try to limit smoking cigarettes or quit completely
    Smoking cigarettes is considered to contribute to vasoconstriction.  Vasoconstriction  is  the narrowing of blood vessels, thus resulting in reduced blood flow.  Our gums are tissue which contain blood vessels.  Each cigarette contributes to reduced blood flow in our gums and is the major cause of periodontal disease.  Cigarettes also cause the mouth to become really dry, eliminating the healthy enzymes that help our teeth stay healthy.
All it takes is good home care as well as making sure that you see your dentist regularly.  Our teeth are as much a part of our bodies as any other organ or bone.  Preventing periodontal disease will increase your overall health and save you money in the long run!


5 Tips for The Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us!  A typical theme for this time of year is eating until you feel like your going to pop.  I mean it is hard not to with all the beautiful cookies, decadent pies and tasty chocolates being passed around. Unfortunately for your oral health, the holiday season can really take its toll. Here are a few tips and tricks you can do to help prevent teeth problems and still enjoy moms homemade cheesecake!
1.) Sticky candies are lethal to your teeth!  Try to limit the amount of sticky candies such as caramels, gummies and especially the Bit-O-Honey candies.  These sticky candies can pull out fillings, crowns and cause the sugar to stick to your teeth.  Basically just be careful, you don’t want to be scrambling to find a dentist on Christmas!
2.) Limit the amount of acidic things that you eat or drink.  Holiday cocktails, juices and cranberry sauces all contain high acid content.  The acid can actually wear away your enamel on your teeth, which acts as the protective barrier for your teeth.  Enamel erosion can cause your teeth to be really sensitive and cavities have a better chance of forming.  Preventing enamel erosion is easy; using fluoride toothpaste, drinking more water during the day and keeping a normal brushing schedule.
3.) Be sure to floss! After you eat a big meal to try to get as much debris out of your teeth as possible.  Flossing stimulates your gums and removes plaque that can build up and cause gum disease or tooth decay.
4.) It never hurts to brush twice a day.  While brushing, a good trick is to try to brush your tongue as well as your teeth and gums.  Doing this will get rid of nasty bacteria, as well as, keep your mouth smelling fresh!
5.) Drinking more milk this holiday season is a very good way to help you prevent tooth decay. Dairy products such as cheeses and egg nog can be beneficial in creating a coating on your teeth that fights against the acid content of foods.
Following these simple tips can help you develop good habits and prevent any mishaps during the holiday season.   Don’t let a dental problem ruin your enjoyment!  Indulging in food this season is a must!

Welcome to Ridgecrest Dental

Home to Dr.Richard V. Romano and Dr. Darren M. Mascia, Ridgecrest Dental aims to ease your dental worries with comfortable, quality care!


Founded in 1958, Lake Avenue Dental Offices was opened by Dr. Vincent Tacci. Dr. Tacci was a wonderful dentist who always  instilled the mentality that high quality care did not need to come at a great cost.  Following this mentality he retired the practice to Dr. Romano in 1994.  Dr. Romano sought to continue the business philosophy by hiring a Rochester native Dr.Darren Mascia. Together the two have doctors have succeeded in creating a warm, comfortable atmosphere for their patients!  In 2009, the Lake Avenue office was sold and the two doctors opened a state of the art office called Ridgcrest Dental!  The office is located at 550 Latona Rd in Greece NY.Philosophy
The business aims to create an atmosphere where even the most dental phobic person can relax. Ridgecrest dental has been operating in the Rochester,NY area for over 53 years!  The Doctors have over 40 years of experience, so they know what it takes to produce high quality care. Our gentle staff will ease any worries or concerns you may have.  Comfortable, quality care is our motto!
Latest Technology!
Here at Ridgecrest Dental we have the latest in dental technology ranging from one visit CEREC crowns to digital x-rays. A full list of services provided can be found on our website.
If you are curious about specials and updates within our office, we have also created a Facebook and Twitter page.  By having the latest technology we can offer you more than any other office in Rochester!
If there are any questions or wish to schedule an appointment please call our office at
585-254-4600 or visit our website!